
Summer School

We announce the fourth Summer School on Biological and Medical Visualization: the Bio+Med+Vis Summer School!

The Summer School will be held on September 17, 2024 in Magdeburg, Germany. The event is collocated with the EG VCBM conference, which will be held on September 19-20 in Magdeburg, Germany. Participants can anticipate excellent talks, given by experts in Biological and Medical Visualization.

The Summer School is primarily targeting M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in Computer Science, but anyone who wants to learn more about principles and challenges in visualization for Life Sciences applications is welcome! No preliminary knowledge of Bio+Medical visualization is necessary.

The registration for the Summer School is free of charge and it will provide access to an educational platform, where all materials will be available afterward. To join us, just fill in the registration form. Note that you can attend only the Summer School if you do not wish to attend VCBM which charges additional fees.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Bio+Med+Vis Summer School!

The Organization Team: Jan Byška, Katarína Furmanová, Ingrid Hotz, Daniel Jönsson, Barbora Kozlíková, Monique Meuschke, Bernhard Preim, Renata Raidou

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Previous Events

Check out the content of the previous Bio+Med+Vis schools.

Summer School Program

Here you can find the preliminary program for this year.


Registration is now open as part of VCBM registration. If you do not wish to attend VCBM, you can register only for the summer school, which is free of charge. Either way, please ensure you indicate that you want to attend the summer school during the registration.